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安涛  李艺 《电化教育研究》2021,42(1):29-34,56
学科边界是学科的重要属性,教育技术学需要守正自身边界。教育技术学是教育技术的理论抽象,认识教育技术学的边界要先从认识教育技术边界开始。教育技术是一种客观存在,其边界的划定可以从教育技术本体和实践两个维度进行,教育理念和技术手段的不断变革和进步推动着教育技术边界的不断拓展。教育技术学是一个科学理论体系,不但具有知识属性,还承载着社会属性,并具有明显的“国籍性”。我国教育技术学的学科边界取决于其核心问题的理论关联度和教育技术学的主要研究话题。同时,学科跨界成为教育技术学超越自我的发展动力,这是由教育技术研究问题的复杂性和学科性质决定的。教育技术学应从学科封闭走向学科间性,这既要树立教育技术研究的问题意识,还要加强独立学科意识。学科意识既是学科跨界的起点,也是学科跨界的归宿。  相似文献   
我国外语教育一直偏重教学实践,轻于理论建设,缺乏明确的学科依托,这已成制约其深入发展的主因之一。因此,强化外语教育理论架构,思考外语教育理论属性,探讨外语教育学科归属,对外语教育发展具有重要意义。本文在前期研究的基础上,重点探讨外语教育学这一新兴学科与应用语言学、教育语言学、二语习得、他语人英语教学和外语课程与教学论的异同,凸显外语教育学的独特性和必要性,为构建外语教育学的独立学科地位奠定理论基础。  相似文献   
There is a growing interest in educational innovation in universities at a global level, as a tool designed to create strategic changes in order to improve quality. This study evaluates the global improvement in universities as a result of educational innovation governance, as a pillar of the so-called world-class research universities and as a tool for continuous improvement in higher education. The methodology has been designed by different educational innovation groups from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Cádiz, and the International Project Management Association Spanish Board, and includes an analysis of 67 universities from 20 countries. The study is based on 32 universities in Spain, as well as 35 other international universities that carry out educational innovation activity. The results show that universities that have a more mature educational innovation governance in place, both in Spain as well as in other countries, are higher in the ranking of universities (Webometrics). These universities demonstrate a tendency to work on educational innovation projects, which are contributing to strategic changes that will permanently revitalise teaching, whilst also improving research and its links to society.  相似文献   
刘坤一是晚清重要的封疆大吏,曾经三次担任两江总督。19世纪70年代,刘坤一开始从一个传统保守的官僚转变为开明务实的洋务分子,他倡导新式教育,创办新式学堂,积极地推进江苏近代教育,使之在19世纪末20世纪初走在全国前列。  相似文献   
This paper looks at current practice in teaching multilingual Indo-Fijian children in eight Fiji primary schools. Indo-Fijians speak Fiji Hindi (FH) as their mother tongue, learn Shudh Hindi (SH) or Urdu, and English for formal and literacy purposes and use English and Fijian for interethnic communication. The current education policy states that children be taught in their mother tongue for the first 3 years of primary school before English becomes the medium of instruction. This practice was not apparent in the schools. In all 24 observed classrooms, English was the dominant language of instruction. There is an important need in Fiji for teacher training to address the issues around multilingual education so that teachers can confidently contribute to an educational system which maximises the use of Fiji's linguistic resources for the educational advancement of all sectors of the country's population.  相似文献   
Many studies have concentrated on investigating educational expenditure and pupil–teacher ratio to see how these two factors can influence the quality of education. This study chooses to examine these two educational factors from a different perspective. If educational expenditure and pupil–teacher ratio really have a significant impact on the quality of education as many studies have claimed, it is important to step back and understand why some regions choose to have high/low educational expenditure and high/low pupil–teacher ratios. This study found that culture has an important impact on these two educational factors. Hofstede's cultural dimensions, namely Power Distance and Individualism, were applied and results showed that these two cultural dimensions, when applied to 43 regions around the world, demonstrated a significant impact on educational expenditure and pupil–teacher ratio.  相似文献   
Politicians and policy-makers in education routinely proclaim the centrality of schools and teachers in sustaining and consolidating democracy and democratic society. This article offers an account of teachers engaged in research in their schools and classrooms, with peers and students, so as to highlight the democratic potential of this engagement. In order to do so, it draws on an agonistic account of democracy that is distinct from more familiar liberal or procedural versions. Such an account is characterised by an emphasis on the values of constitutive pluralism, robust contestation and enduring tragedy, where the latter entails recognition of the ineliminable nature of (political) conflict and the inevitability of loss in human life. The teachers involved in this research demonstrated capacities which, it is argued, reflect an agonistic democratic ethos, including: developing the confidence to assume intellectual leadership by asking questions and eliciting and engaging plural perspectives in relation to these questions; engagement in the cut and thrust of research without the expectation of finding any final or perfect solutions; and an acceptance of difference and disagreement as constitutive and constructive elements in rethinking areas of policy and practice. Developing and encouraging these capacities, it is argued, is important in an increasingly authoritarian policy context that threatens the vital links between democracy and education highlighted by Dewey a century ago.  相似文献   
晚清社会,农政荒废,农业衰微,加之列强经济侵略目益加深,临此内忧外患之际,作为晚清重臣的张之洞从“固国邦,养民生”的角度出发,积极吸收和引进西方先进的农业科学技术和理念,形成了自身的“科教兴农”思想,并大胆付诸实践,对清末农业改革和农业近代化产生了深远影响,也为我国今天进一步推行“科教兴农”战略,更好地解决“三农”问题提供了宝贵的历史借鉴。  相似文献   
根据相关的访谈调查,笔者对当前学校教育技术资源管理存在的问题进行了分析。指出将校本管理思想引入学校教育技术资源管理是解决当前资源管理存在问题、提高资源利用效率的有效途径。  相似文献   
章通过对校园化的分析和研究,阐述了校园化对人才培养的重要作用,主要认为:校园化是学生从“大中学生”到“小大学生”过度的桥梁;校园化是联结个人与集体,学校与的纽带;校园化是青年学生走向成熟的重要途径,等等。  相似文献   
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